Fruška Gora is a treasury of natural health. At every step, every glance, every sip and breath – it generously shares its gifts, making us stronger and healthier.
Let’s start from the precious water.
The dense network of rivers, streams, ponds, waterfalls, springs and lakes is constantly renewed by dense rainfall and over 200 permanent springs! The water of Fruška Gora is extremely rich in minerals and helps maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, thanks to the minerals from rocks which are naturally dissolved. Mineral water has antibacterial and antifungal properties and it’s effective against toxins.
The linden tree is the sacred tree of all Slavs, linden groves and certain specimens were once the cult center of the Slavic religion. Fruška Gora boasts the largest linden forest in Europe. Beekeepers from the entire region visit the mount so the bees can graze the linden trees in bloom, and produce honey with a 93 percent linden nectar content!
The location and the vegetation of the mount itself have contributed to the creation of a distinct local climate, which is extremely beneficial for the body and the psyche, the wind named Fruškogorac has a positive impact too, as does the air flow, the so-called wind rose. The XIV century writings of Stefan Lazarević, the son of Prince Lazar, noted the importance of Fruška Gora due to the special healing energy it emits. The winds that gather and intersect over this magical place seem to be created to help heal your body and calm your spirit. The air rich in oxygen and ozone is beneficial for the respiratory system, and for the overall health too. Simply put, when you breathe on the mount, you breathe in pure nature, still in love with the man, still eager to enrich his life and to live together in harmony.